Orient Heights is a 331-unit housing development originally built in the 1950s.
Suffolk provided preconstruction and construction management services for the first phase, which included demolition and abatement of five existing buildings and construction of 120 new rental housing units which are spread throughout four residential townhouses and one mid-rise building of affordable units. The highly sustainable, three-story townhouses and four-story mid-rise building are wood frame, slab-on-grade.
This project was designed to LEED Platinum standards. The project also included extensive regrading to prepare the site for new buildings and open spaces, as well as street and sidewalk improvements. Following the successful results of phase one, Suffolk was selected to complete the second phase of the Orient Heights Redevelopment project.
Phase two work included demolition and abatement of four existing buildings, partial regrading of existing topography for new building sites and open spaces, street improvements, construction of 88 rental housing units in two eight-unit townhouses and in one four-story mid-rise building, new surface parking lots and drives, and restoration of existing retaining walls. This redevelopment project, which will be completed in three phases total, helps preserve Boston’s affordable housing and transforms the site into a modern, mixed-income community.
Sectors Affordable Housing
Owner Trinity Financial
Architect ICON Architecture
Square Feet Phase 1: 135,000; Phase 2: 96,000
LEED Status Platinum