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LACCD Pierce College Child Development Academic Facility

Los Angeles, CA

    Project Overview

    Suffolk assisted with the design phase of this project with LACCD on the Pierce College campus.

    The new Child Development Academic Facility will consolidate departmental and faculty office space with dedicated instructional space in a modern facility directly adjacent to the college’s operating childcare facility.

    A Design-Build project, the project has broken ground and is currently in construction. Suffolk Design played a design management role through the design phase leading up to a full DSA review and approval process. Throughout the design phase, the Design Manager worked closely with the AOR and Design Architect to optimize the design while meeting the district's and building user group's project goals. Suffolk Design performed constructability and value analysis reviews and ensured that issues were addressed prior to DSA approval, which was received September 2023.

    • Higher Education icon
      Sectors Higher Education
    • owner icon
      Owner Los Angeles Community College District
    • architect icon
      Architect RACAIA & Hawkins Brown
    • square icon
      Square Feet 10,000