Suffolk was selected to perform the renovation and replacement of the Tier 3 Main Computer Room at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jamaica Plain VA Medical Center.
The project consists of construction of a Tier 3 replacement main computer room data center in the basement of the Jamaica Plain VA Medical Center. The scope includes 52 new cabinets within the data center, all fiberoptic runs throughout the campus, and HVAC cooling in the basement for the new data racks. Several duct banks run through the campus with dual redundant runs for primary and emergency power to the datacenter.
The scope also includes the rearrangement of basement space and new interior finishes including a new ceiling and additional electrical upgrades to meet N+1 redundancy requirements as part of the project. Over 12,000 LF of fiber optic cable will be installed throughout various locations on campus, all connecting back to the data center. New Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) units will be installed to support the heat load within the data center and rooftop mechanical units as part of the glycol system will supported air conditioning within the data center.
Sectors Federal Government
Owner United States Army Corps of Engineers
Architect Burns and McDonnell
Square Feet 3,600